Investing in Shares

Curious about how investing in shares can enhance your financial portfolio? Explore share investing with David Smart's expert, independent guidance.

Navigating the share market presents its own set of challenges and rewards. Investing in shares, or equities, offers a distinctive opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio and engage directly in the growth and success of companies within New Zealand and globally. With my expertise and support, you'll be equipped to make strategic decisions, aiming to build a profitable and resilient portfolio.

Whether you're venturing into the share market for the first time or seeking to refine your current strategies, I’m here to provide tailored advice that elevates your investment journey.


Invest in Shares

The opportunity to invest in shares offers the chance to own part of some of the world's biggest companies. As an independent financial adviser, I am committed to guiding you through the complexities of the share market as you invest, ensuring that your investment decisions are informed and strategic.

As your independent investment adviser, I can help you maintain an effective portfolio.

The Basics of Share Investing

Investing in shares means acquiring a part-ownership in companies. This could range from investment in dynamic NZ startups to well-established international corporations. As a shareholder, you participate in the company's growth, potentially reaping dividends as a share of profits. My role is to help you understand the various aspects of share investing, from recognising the different types of shares to grasping how the share markets operate and evaluating a company's potential for growth and profitability.

Investing In Shares

Building a Diversified Share Portfolio

The cornerstone of effective share investing is diversification. This strategy involves spreading your investments across a variety of sectors and geographic areas, thereby mitigating risk. I guide you in constructing a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and investment objectives, incorporating local NZ shares and international shares to achieve a balanced investment approach.

Long-Term vs Short-Term Investing

Share investing can be approached with varying time horizons. Long-term investing typically focuses on holding shares over extended periods, benefitting from potential growth and compounded returns. Conversely, short-term investing seeks to capitalise on rapid market changes. I offer insights into both investment strategies, highlighting the risks and rewards inherent when you invest in each, and assisting you in determining which approach best aligns with your financial goals.

Understanding Risk and Return

Investing in shares is often associated with higher risk compared to other assets like bonds or cash. However, this risk is counterbalanced by the potential for greater returns for investors. I provide in-depth analyses of the risk-return spectrum, aiding you in choices that reflect your financial objectives and risk tolerance.

Research in Investing in Shares

Effective share investing hinges on thorough research, encompassing company financials, market trends, industry shifts, and economic indicators. I offer guidance and conduct robust research for all of my financial recommendations, from retirement savings & planning to share investment, coupled with access to resources and tools that support well-informed investment decisions.

Ethical and Sustainable Investing

For those aiming to align investments with personal values, ethical and sustainable investing is an increasingly popular choice. This approach focuses on investing in companies adhering to specific environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. I assist in identifying opportunities that match these criteria, allowing your investments to mirror your values.

Technology in Share Investing

The landscape of share investing has been revolutionised by technology, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. I advise on the best tools and technologies to support your trading or investment portfolio.

Market Volatility

The share market is inherently volatile, influenced by economic, political, and global factors. Understanding how to navigate this volatility is a critical aspect of share investing. I provide strategies to effectively manage market fluctuations, advising when to hold firm in your investment decisions and when to adapt your strategy to changing market conditions.

Regular Portfolio Reviews

Ongoing evaluation of your share portfolio is crucial. As your financial adviser, I offer continuous support and guidance, ensuring that your investments remain aligned with your varying financial circumstances and broader market shifts. I regularly assess performance, rebalance your portfolio as necessary, and adapt to market changes or personal life changes.

Tax Considerations for Investors

Investing in shares has tax implications, including tax on dividends and potentially capital gains tax. I provide comprehensive advice on managing these tax responsibilities effectively, ensuring you understand and can navigate the tax landscape associated with share investing.

Shares for Retirement

Shares can be a pivotal component of a well-rounded retirement plan, offering potential growth to bolster your long-term financial security. I can integrate share investing into your overall retirement strategy, ensuring a balanced approach that supports your retirement aspirations.

The Value of Professional Advice as You Invest

The complexity of the share market makes professional guidance invaluable. With my extensive experience as a financial adviser, I bring a depth of knowledge and expertise to your share investing journey. I offer bespoke advice tailored to your unique financial needs and objectives.

Getting Your Investment Started

If you're ready to explore the potential of share investing, I am here to assist. Contact me, David Smart, for independent, expert advice on constructing a share portfolio that aligns with your financial goals. Together, we can develop a strategy that maximises your investment potential.

David Smart, B Com, CA, Financial Adviser.